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Hey There

My name is Dillon Napier, welcome to my website! I grew up in North Central Iowa. As a child I always loved sketching, painting, and learning to sew from my grandmothers.These experiences allowed me to develop my love for fashion.

All About Me

I am a graduate from Iowa State University where I earned my B.S. in Apparel Merchandising &  Design (AMD). As an undergraduate I spent a semester studying abroad in London at the University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion. Currently I am studying to complete my Masters of Science in Apparel Merchandising & Design with a focus in surface design and historical dress. During my studies I have held a graduate assistantship as a research assistant in the Digital Apparel Textile Studio, a lab on campus providing students with the unique ability to digitally print fabric, digitally embroider,  and use digital laser cutting and engraving. 

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