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Masters Creative Component

An Exploration of Classical Greek Dress through Fine Art & Draping Insights


This study was inspired by the current gap in knowledge we have about ancient Greek apparel leading to the idea that there was an opportunity to investigate how to recreate these historical garments using textile materials, shedding light on their construction, and providing insights into their authentic historical appearance. Three representative sculptures  from the Greek period have been selected as references for this study. The rationale behind this selection lies in the fact that these sculptures epitomize individuals from varied social strata and hierarchical positions within ancient Greek society. The examination of clothing silhouette, fabric, and color holds considerable scholarly relevance within this framework.  The study used the ‘research through practice’ framework (Bye, 2010) where one outcome is produced for each set of photo analysis data, creating a total of three experimental outcomes produced in this creative study.   Analysis of the various statue photos led to the identification of different key features and elements of the garments for each statue. Research of garments during this era provided a base knowledge that these classical Greek garments were constructed from rectangles of fabric draped around the body and secured with different closure methods. The three resulting garments explored how classical Greek dress was draped and constructed. Natural dyes native to Greece aided in the recreation of the historical garments.

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